We made it. And we’ve got you to thank.
Eight months into Ranson’s effort to update its Comprehensive Plan, we’ve now arrived at our final draft for review and consideration by the Planning Commission and City Council.
“We’ve learned so much from the community,” said Project Lead Susan Henderson, “and that wealth of input has made for a stronger, more viable plan.”
It all began last April when the city rolled out its project website, including a survey and an interactive map where residents and business owners could pinpoint their issues and ideas around the city. Thereafter came a series of smaller stakeholder meetings exploring the interests of local businesses, the development community, and adjacent governments, as well as a community open house where residents shared thoughts on the key components of local comprehensive planning — growth and development; transportation and mobility; economic development; city services; and preservation.
An initial draft debuted in October, generating spirited discussions during two open house meetings later that month. Those discussions provided additional clarity and perspective which is now reflected in the final draft. That draft is available for review in hardcopy form at City Hall or below as an online download:
What’s Next?
The final draft now makes its way to the Planning Commission and City Council according to the following schedule (subject to change if circumstances require):
Planning Commission
Monday, January 8; 7pm
Ranson City Hall 312 S. Mildred Street
Presentation to City Council
Tuesday, January 16; 7pm
Ranson City Hall
Council Chambers 312 S. Mildred Street
Comprehensive Plan First Reading
Tuesday, February 6; 7pm
Ranson City Hall
Council Chambers
312 S. Mildred Street
Comprehensive Plan Second Reading
Public Hearing and Consideration for Adoption
Tuesday, April 9; 7pm
Ranson City Hall
Council Chambers
312 S. Mildred Street
Thank you again to everyone who’s contributed to the Ranson Refined process and the success of Plan 2034.